The LightFM handler functions as an interface for the LightFM Python recommendation library. The current implementation supports collaborative filtering for user-item and item-item recommendations. It allows users to make use of the powerful LightFM recommendation framework library for performing recommendation on interaction data sets.

As the current implementations stand, the input data should be a table containing user-item interaction data:

| user_id | item_id | rating |
| 1       | 2       | 4      |
| 1       | 3       | 7      |

Please note that at the moment this integrations does not support the FINETUNE feature.


Before creating a LightFM model, we need to create an ML engine.

FROM lightfm;

You can verify it by running SHOW ML_ENGINES.

Now let’s create a LightFM model specifying the necessary input parameters.

CREATE MODEL lightfm_demo
FROM mysql_demo_db (SELECT * FROM movie_lens_ratings)
  engine = 'lightfm',
  item_id = 'movieId',
  user_id = 'userId',
  threshold = 4,
  n_recommendations = 10,
  evaluation = true;

The required parameters include the following:

  • The item_id parameter that stores items to be recommended; here, these are movies.
  • The user_id parameter that stores users to whom items are recommended.
  • The threshold parameter is used when score of interaction is provided in the input data. It defines the threshold for the recommendation.
  • The n_recommendations parameter stores the number of recommendations to be returned.

Optionally, you can provide the evaluation parameter if you want to store the evaluation metrics. It is set to false by default.

Here is how to connect the mysql_demo_db used for training the model:

CREATE DATABASE mysql_demo_db
WITH ENGINE = 'mysql',
    "user": "user",
    "password": "MindsDBUser123!",
    "host": "",
    "port": "3306",
    "database": "public"

Let’s query for the following recommendations:

  • Get recommendations for all item_item pairs:

    SELECT b.*
    FROM lightfm_demo AS b
    WHERE recommender_type = 'item_item';
  • Get item-item recommendations for a specific item_id:

    SELECT b.*
    FROM lightfm_demo AS b
    WHERE movieId = 100
    USING recommender_type = 'item_item';
  • Get recommendations for all user-item pairs:

    SELECT b.*
    FROM lightfm_demo AS b
    where recommender_type = 'user_item';
  • Get user-item recommendations for a specific user_id:

    SELECT b.*
    FROM lightfm_demo AS b
    WHERE userId = 100
    USING recommender_type = 'user_item';
  • Get user-item recommendations for multiple user_ids:

    SELECT b.*
    FROM mysql_demo_db.movie_lens_ratings AS a
    JOIN lightfm_demo AS b
    WHERE a.userId in (215,216);