To follow this guide, please make sure you have a local installation of MindsDB. Here, you can find out how to install MindsDB locally.

Starting MindsDB with Default Configuration

It is very straightforward to start MindsDB locally with the default config file - just run the commands below.

First, activate the virtual environment with this command:

source mindsdb/bin/activate

And then, start MindsDB using this command:

python -m mindsdb

Now you can access your MindsDB locally at

Starting MindsDB with Extended Configuration

First, you should prepare a config.json file based on the following template; remember to substitute the values for your custom configuration.

    "permanent_storage": {
        "location": "local"
    "paths": {},
    "log": {
        "level": {
            "console": "INFO",
            "file": "DEBUG",
            "db": "WARNING"
    "debug": false,
    "integrations": {},
    "gui": {
        "autoupdate": true
        "username": "mindsdb",
        "password": "123"
    "api": {
        "http": {
            "host": "",
            "port": "47334"
        "mysql": {
            "host": "",
            "port": "47335",
            "database": "mindsdb",
            "ssl": true
        "mongodb": {
            "host": "",
            "port": "47336",
            "database": "mindsdb"
    "cache": {
        "type": "local"

Now that your config.json file is ready, run the command below to start MindsDB locally with your custom configuration.

python -m mindsdb --config=/path-to-the-extended-config-file/config-file.json

You can access your MindsDB locally at, or any other IP address and port combination if you altered them.

What’s next? We recommend you follow one of our tutorials or learn more about the MindsDB Database.